Friday 26 August 2011


An Evolutionary Stable System (ESS) is something as described by Richard Dawkins as a characteristic that is pervasive across different generations of both the animal and human generations.

These Characteristics can be influenced by many things but tend to survive as they achieve a balance with other ESS’s, sometimes the characteristic is in the rise, sometimes in the fall, but never fully extinguished, hence it becomes considered stable in terms of evolution.

Dawkins uses the analogy of Hawks and Doves early on in his Book “The Selfish Gene” stating simply that when there is too large a population of Hawks compared to the population of their food supply, the Doves, they will naturally recede in numbers, which would in turn give an opportunity for the population of Doves to increase, as the food supply increases, so the Hawk population increases and the cycle continues.

This simple analysis of what seems to me as common sense is further used in the book with the analysis of three basic Human traits, Welcome to the:-

The Cheat

The Sucker

The Grudger

The three characteristic names fairly much describe themselves, but it is important at this point to take a pause and ask yourself, in terms of transactions within a species are there any other significant players?

Of course one could introduce The Fair Player, but unfortunately, the fair player is relegated to the role of the Sucker when faced with Cheat. So I would say there are no other players of significance.

So how do these three ESS Groups interact and reach a balance?

Again I see it as common sense, much like the analogy of the Hawks and Doves the cheats will gradually grow in number until the population of suckers is unable to support the number of cheats. Grudgers, many of them former suckers, interacting with the cheats does not work very well & cheats trading with cheats is also not sufficiently productive to preserve the cheat characteristic.

After a while the cheats will die back much with the help of the rising population of grudgers and thusly, make room for the suckers to increase in numbers again

And so it seems the natural cycle is established.

I see this more as a social interaction characteristic than a genetic one, but an ESS none the less. These Characteristics can span generations within humans as an individual who is raised by parents who are cheats; suckers or grudgers are statistically more liable to begin life with those traits.

And so, if you agree with the above analysis it becomes interesting to note whereabouts in this ESS Cycle the modern western world resides at the moment!

Disputably modern society, more than any other in history, has adopted the worship of money and regards a transaction that is dealt, not at fair cost, but at the highest possible premium attainable as fair. This view has become so pervasive that to consider this as cheating the sucker has almost been wiped out. Something that I would suggest happens when the cheats are at their zenith.

Many would argue further that the cheats have become so powerful that they have subjugated the structures of social governance and Justice. This perception more than any other naturally gives rise to the number of people who begrudge living under the law and playing by the rules of people who they would regard as the cheats. Thusly, we have:-


We can see this wherever we look if we become aware of this EESS cycle:-

GRUDGERS: The Truthers, Alex Jones, The Arab Spring (still within a disjoined historic cycle)

CHEATS: Bankers, Rothchilds, Billderbergs

SUCKERS: The Disinterested Public

The list goes on and on…..

There is little excuse for the mindless rioting that recently happened in the UK, August 2011 and we search for the answer to the question “WHY”. This article has been about considering Mr Dawkins analogy of Evolutionary Stable Systems and defining whereabouts modern society is within this cycle. Maybe we should view the riots simply as a symptom of THE RISE OF THE GRUDGER!

If the above makes sense to you, the reader, then would it not be wise for you to look forward and consider how this pervasive cycle affects you, your family, society and mankind.

My view is that with the advent of Global Communications and increasingly homogenous Global communities these cycles are increasing in frequency and growing larger in magnitude.

No doubt, time will tell, or, indeed, per chance, it already has!

Monday 25 January 2010

2010 Water AirDrop Delivery System Design


I've just been watching Haiti Aid on TV and mused of a new design to deliver water, well, Just a thought. 

Water already delivered in Haiti by Airdrops

The First 7 Days

 *15,000 litres *

Three million people are in need of aid, according to the Red Cross, and so far some

14,000 ready-to-eat meals and

15,000 litres of water

have been dropped north-east of the capital, Port-au-Prince, by the US military.

At 4°C pure water has a density (weight or mass) of about 1 g/, 1 g/ml, 1 kg/litre, 1000 kg/cu.m, 1 tonne/cu.m or 62.4 lb/cu.ft

About 1000 Litre per cubic metre

= 15 Cubic Metres Total water Dropped in 7 Days

Surely we can do better


Air Aid Droplets (AADs)

Individual 1 Litre Water droplets held within 1 Piece rubber containers/drops including self inflating parachute

I wonder if it would work?

Delivery is similar to the Flutter Down method 

Think of a 3 Layer Square Handkerchief made of rubber
Insert 1 Litre of water between layer 1 & 2 and seal
Layer 3 made of more flexible rubber and only attached at the corners, acting as the parachute

Or similar

I can picture the design clearly in my head & have some good ideas.

But first we need someone to prototype & test them, any volunteers? 

I can provide more details re:-

  • Automated mass production
  • storage, possibly frozen in a Cold Climate

I can deliver (paid for) raw materials to anyone for prototyping


If you cannot help could you forward a link  to someone who can, I am not particularly interested in Patenting, why would I want to restrict others?

I would like to see this through to a conclusion, my conscience demands it of me


Enter the C-17 GlobeMaster 3

  • Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) C-17 — Specifications
    Cargo hold: volume 592 cubic metres
    Hold dimensions: 26.8m L x 5.5m W x 3.8m (max 4.1m) H
    Carrying capacity: max payload 77t (max gross takeoff 265t)
    170,900 pounds
    85,000 Litre = 85 cubic metres
    Maximum range: 5185km (unrefueled, with 72t payload)
    As far as I'm concerned the place should have been carpet bombed with 1tr droplets over 20 square miles for the first week
  • 3 million Litres (people) = 35x C-17 Airdrops per day


The Terrain

fig1 Port au Prince  Airportclip_image006

fig2 shows that Port au Prince is actually in a Valley between two mountain ranges, apprx 10 miles deep from North to South

IMHO a Lovely Airdrop Corridor


fig3 Shows the entire Country with it’s 10 Million Populationclip_image012

fig4 Shows the distance between Haiti & it’s neighbouring Countries, close enough to do 3 round trips a day from S.Carolinaimage 


The Drops

Operating around the Clock each C-17 can make 3 trips per day meaning only 12 C-17’s required.


Number of C-17s built
212 as of January 2010

Would many owners refuse help at cost?

And what  would this overall cost be in comparison to the 150 landings per day at the airport & god knows whatever else, not that much is the answer.


Riots? what Riots?

O you mean carpet bombing the entire City with water would cause Riots!

Delivering numerous small aid packs over a wide area (possibly 10 square miles) means that everyone, not just the strongest have the chance to consume supplies as and when they find them, reducing the chances of being robbed whilst running away from distribution points with heavy sacks.


Well all II can say is




Why would Aid Agencies not-Recommend Airdrops

Well, Most people who work at NGO’s do a sterling Job doing what they can, to the best of their abilities, however the use of Airdrops is controversial in a world where no one Size Fits all & the Boss’s make the decisions.

“Oxfam’s experience is that aid air-drops can help but typically are hugely expensive and very limited in what they can deliver,” said Jane Cocking, Oxfam’s Humanitarian Director.

One interesting thought may be that if Natural Disasters don’t provide prolonged Colourful Media Coverage then Aid Agencies have less successful Funding Campaigns. Or is this just sick thinking?


Sure the Airdrops shouldn’t continue forever, only until ……… well, you decide, it’s your money!


Thursday 10 December 2009

Meritocratic Direct Democracy Forum Architecture


  • Introduction
  • The Philosophy
  • The Way Forward
  • The Computer Forum Sections
  • Political Philosophy [Pubic]
  • The Active Minarchist [Active Members Only]
  • Central Government [Registered & Interested Members Only]
  • Your Local Community [Registered Members by Postcode/SOA]
  • UK Communities [Public]
  • Implementation.
  • Summary.
  • Founders Recommendations.
  • Links


This paper introduces the framework of a currently unpublished and archived Internet Forum.

The forum is designed be used as the secondary method of interfacing the general public’s views with those of the Executive/UK State Government.

This is a discussion of the possible implication, structure & implementation of a Direct iDemocracy Computer Forum within the UK.

This Computer Forum is technically only a tool to facilitate the gathering of public opinion the paper moves swiftly on to detail the Forums Section structure

Click to enlarge


The Philosophy

Minarchistic, Libertarian, Meritocratic, Democratic
General Aims considered during design
  • Accountable Political Representation
  • Small Central Government
  • Small Local Government
  • Influential Citizen participation
  • Community Based Focus
  • Transparency
  • Ease of implementation
The population at large consists of a mixture of politically aware & politically indifferent people, but there are strengths and weaknesses within all of us. A politically unaware person may well have a valuable opinion or idea when it comes to certain aspects of, say transport or pensions, yet have little to say on political ideologies.
It makes perfect sense to leverage this untapped potential by providing a method whereby a citizen can participate in operational decision making on a Ad-Hoc Basis as and when their will dictates.
The Polling & Layered Osmotic filtering approach will hopefully lead to well thought out formatted legislative requests being passed to professional public lobbyists entirely financed by existing corporate driven lobbying activities.
The current national elections exist much as it does today.

The Way Forward

Effectiveness can only be leveraged with enough members, the framework of the forum is designed so that membership would grow organically via the use and promotion of Local Community Forums, and Member Self Distribution Flyers.
Consider a simplified local community issue :-
  • Boy x is terrorizing the street and threatening physical violence,
  • Registered Local Forum Member posts an alert for discussion
  • Member downloads Pre-Formatted Templates for distribution and makes a personal leaflet drop in the neighbourhood.
  • Interested community members join him in discussion at the forums website
  • Twenty Local Residents present a well formed petition to local police presenting possible solutions to the challenge they face.
  • Boy x ceases to terrorize the local community.
Should the petition prove ineffective
  • A template for possible legal further action is downloaded by members.
Registered members can access forum posts by other members in the Local Community Section (Postcode/SOA area)
Again Member numbers is a key issue and it is hoped that during registration prospective members chooses one or two UK National Issue discussion forums of interest to him either professionally or personally. Hopefully bringing together interested members in informed discussion of National UK .gov Cabinet Initiatives and possibly promote well formatted and pre discussed potential direct democracy Initiatives.
A series of Polls are promoted through the separate layers of the central .gov cabinet forum framework, Successful polls generate a well formed petition along with pre approved edits of previous discussion posts. Active Members then Lobby and promote these articles to .gov
Consider a simplified National issue :-
  • Mr. x Registered during a local community dispute, during registration he chose Transport and Environment Cabinet as he is a transport manager at the local firm and has a profound interest in environmental issues.
  • Mr. x joined the Transport section at layer 12 which meant that 13 layers of discussion groups, each consisting of 50 Members (13x50 = 1,650 Members) had already registered for discussion before him in this area.
  • Mr. x Posts an initiative to improve UK Transport by getting .gov to promote a central haulage back load database website.
  • A Poll is created and moderated at level 12 – “Should .gov provide a central haulage backload database”
  • At [Layer12] 15 votes were in favour and one against and so the poll was presented to the layer above [Layer 11]
  • At [Layer11] discussion was held and the Poll reached 13 in favour 1 against and was presented to [Layer10] above and so on………………
  • At the [Top Layer Forum - TLF] the poll was assigned to an active member lobbyist who formatted the new initiative/petition.
  • The format was agreed and an active member lobbyist was assigned to communicate the initiative to .gov
  • Mr. x. got his .gov central haulage backload database which saved his company £thousands in it’s second year and reduced UK Co2 emissions by 3%
  • Mr. x received so much positive Karma from his [Layer12] Forum members for his initiative that he ascended to [Layer11….TLF] and has registered as an Active Member Lobbyist.

The Forum Sections


This is a standard implementation of forum software utilizing freely available open source forum template software, current product is provided by SMF (simple machines forums).

The Forum is divided into Main Sections and Sub-Sections as shown in the Tree Diagram #1 and is outlined in more detail below.

Manifesto - Political Philosophy [Pubic]

a) The Lounge - General Discussions on Political Philosophy, Discuss …. here
b) - Public Active Initiatives
c) - How to make improvements to the Direct Democracy Framework

Executive Members [Active Members Only]

Executive Members Directed by one Leader and one Deputy.
Their Mandate is to progress the recommendations provided by the Top Layer Forum, although they can individually contribute towards discussions at their registered Forum Layer they can not initiate or progress any recommendations which have not arrived via the TLF Layer.

Administration & Development Branch Members Directed by one Leader and a Deputy.
Their Mandate is to supervise the UK Minarchist Organization to ensure that actions are not taken that is outside of the Manifesto, They have far reaching powers over the Political Branch. Again Branch Members individually contribute towards topics, Polls & Discussions

There is currently one Executive Leader & his Deputy.
They have one single Mandate which is to protect the movement and to publish approved Statements.

a) Branch Member Area -
a. Non Public initiatives
b. The Lobbyist
b) Administration & Development Member Area -
a. Internal structures
b. IT Systems
c. Finance
c) The Executive
c. Statements by the Executive / Founder Member

Central Government [Registered & Interested Members Only]

Each current .gov Cabinet Forum/Folder is individually layered (TLF Top-Level, 1LF First Layer, 2LF Second Layer etc..) and only able to accept a certain number of Members (currently 50), when that user limit has been reached a new Layer is automatically created and subsequent members are only registered in the next available Layer.


Members can graduate to a higher level if they have reached the required number of Karma Points awarded by same level members.

Each Layer has an individual Forum Leader and Deputy Leader; these are chosen by Forum members and act as Moderators & Poll administrators for that particular discussion group Layer.

Any member can propose a Poll/Resolution about any subject relevant to that discussion group and within bounds of the Constitution, Poll Administrators have the final say as to whether to action the Poll.

Polls/Resolutions which have proven particularly successful are automatically presented to a higher level forum for discussion; if the discussions prove successful then that topic/thread is itself initiated as a Poll and potentially presented to a higher level..

Members at the higher level have automatic access to lower layer forum posts for research.
When successful Polls/Resolutions have reached the TLF they are ordered into priority by TLF forum members and then presented as Articles for promotion.

Lobbyist Members will then Petition & Lobby the relevant .gov ministers to try and implement the recommendations. They may also contact like minded lobbyists with equal agendas and offer assistance.

a) The Prime Minister
b) Transport
c) Defence
d) Work & Pensions
e) ………………etc

The Presentation of resolutions to .gov will take advantage of New Government legislation that directs Local Government to respond to Local Community Initiatives. These Laws that could possibly be redirected with great effect towards the central state (what’s good for the goose is good for the gander)

Your Local Community [Registered Members by Postcode/SOA]


When a new Member registers they are required to identify themselves

When they enter the forum is automatically filtered to only show statistics and threads posted within the members same Local community Area.

Localized .gov Bar Charts, Stats and graphs may be made available automatically via The current Office of National Statistics Data Stream

This section would hopefully draw the general public onto the site members will have access to Leaflets which they can distribute, making leaflet drops in their local area encouraging neighbours to sign up.

a) Local Council
b) Transport
c) Crime
d) Local Events

UK Communities [Public]

This section will be available to all & contain guidance on how to approach Local Authorities, Community Initiatives that have proven successful etc……..
a) UK Community Initiatives
d. Recruit Members
e. Success Stories


As previously stated the above site is currently functional but still under development
It is hoped that once development finishes and full functionality has been user tested the site could be utilized by a Non-Commercial Non-Governmental Libertarian Organization.

An Organization that is agreeable with the founders core beliefs and capable of promoting a working and effective framework of Minarchistic, Meritocratic Direct Democracy.


If the current working forum framework is correctly implemented & promoted by an NGO it could gain enough members to radically shake the future of .gov, how it governs us in order to serve us.

This may sound ambitious, but given a few good TV adverts and Blog recommendations anything is possible in the new digital age.

Our individual lives should only be effected by Laws agreed after a thoughtful and well informed public debate by interested members of the general public.

This initiative promotes a system of democracy where each registered member has a say and a vote
It allows for a the fact that some members of the public are simply not interested. Thus they simply do not vote.

It relies on self moderation to minimize the effect of hidden agendas.

Founders Recommendations

  • Funding of Democracy framework should be Non-Profit & accounts held within the public domain.
  • The site should remain entirely commercial free and would be moderated to ensure as such
  • The current Plethora of Legislation should be greatly reduced/re-debated


Wednesday 21 October 2009

UK Banking System in Clear and Present Danger


Mervyn Mervyn King has clearly stated today that a radical NEW approach to our Banking/monetary supply system is required.

This possibly weeks before the BofE becomes subservient to the EU Central Bank, as agreed in the Lisbon Treaty.

He offered no solutions directly but succinctly introduced two wise steers.

We are well & truly up the Creek & this Man truly and humbly deserves guidance.

One Option

A 75% State Owned Banking system owned in perpetuity by UK Citizens could be a very interesting option.

Mandate for UK homeland security requirements that NO State/Citizen owned collateral (75%) can be traded overseas

This would ensure that money earned from UK Banking sector is returned directly to that same society, maybe via reduction in Citizens  Taxes.

Another Option Anyone?


Subservience to a Foreign Power

Of course options are only be possible with 100% withdrawal from the Failing EU Republic. Without this the EU owns our Banks & owns YOU.

I hear your scream “O NO ANOTHER SOCIALIST”. There are so many interpretations of the interpretations of the Left Right Paradigm that quite frankly I’m getting bored with it.

This Country needs a radical shake up

of both the Political and Fiat Money system if it is to survive outside of the EU. So lets stop the bickering about the ideologies & just get on with it.


Although not the Birthplace of Democracy the UK is renowned for it’s Monarchist/Parliamentary implementation of it.

If we are to continue under the guise of a Democracy then morals & modern technology DEMAND that we strive to implement a framework of Direct Democracy, maybe one that is State Funded and deploys it’s desires initially via Parliamentary Lobbyists

Representative Democracy has failed us so many times that it’s time to get Radical with both the Money supply Mechanism & Governance.

If we are not to be a Democracy then someone can propose this change of ideology to the British People & we will vote on it!!

I have little doubt that Democracy is preferred.

We need to start discussing our own governance system now.


1) Full Anarchic State

100% Non Aggression Principle (NAP) enforced by a commercial military police force.

2) Minarchist Libertarian State

Essentially the same as we had 50Yrs ago with the majority of pointless thought crime statutes repealed

3) Fascist State

With State controlled commercial enterprise, either directly or via micro statute enforcement.


All the UK needs to get out of this Mess are a few good options

It seems our Debt Based monetary system has come to such a point where  the ineffective, corrupt mainstream parties have frozen in terror?.

Saturday 12 September 2009

A UK Minarchists view of a Direct Democracy

The Below discusses a Possible Direct Democracy Forum Framework

Preceded by a Political Preamble

All Comments appreciated

  • · The Newest and most Advanced Direct Democracy Forum where you can discuss the activities of UK Central Government by Cabinet/Department and propose amendments or new legislation that can be escalated through the forum and be formally presented to relevant ministers by our own Lobbyists.

  • · The Newest and most Advanced Local Democracy Forum where registered members are automatically directed to their own local statistics on Crime, depravation etc. and to local discussion groups to propose new ways of improving your local community by helping you format and target your own initiatives.

  • · The Political Ideology Discussion Area where you can discuss the meaning of Libertarianism, Democracy and how you think you should be able to interact with the State.

  • · The Political Interests News Pages, automatically filtered by interest for registered members which are constantly updated with current legislative initiatives

  • · How to become more involved with the UK Minarchist Organisation (UKMO) and start to make a real difference in how much or little the state controls your life.

  • · A place to meet people like you who have become frustrated at the lack of democracy in what is supposedly, the most Democratic Country in the World.

The UKMO is a private Grass Roots initiative with no Political or Libertarian allegiances. The site is privately funded & is simply designed to give the members of our society more say in how this country is run and how democracy should work in the UK.

To be successful WE NEED YOU, we need your true thoughts, views & ideas. It doesn’t matter if you have never heard of the term Political Ideology or are a Professor of Economics, WE NEED YOU.

Please help make this initiative a success.

Of the People, For the People, By the People

****************************************************** POLITICAL PREAMBLE

The UK Minarchist


I would like to introduce you to this section with my own personal views on a particular socio-political philosophy called Minarchism.

Socio-political in terms of the fact that this subject is about the relationship between you as a member of society and the political state that governs you.

For the few that take more than a mere passing interest in this subject it soon becomes clear that this is THE most important subject one could choose to be become interested in, it transcends individual discussions of religion, politics, morality, poverty, infant mortality .....

Simply because it engulfs them.

One could argue that there is no modern day subject that has not been greatest influenced by this one subject alone, and yet most people who read this are still unsure as to what this subject is all about, I find this incredible.

Unfortunately there is great disagreement, variation and strength of conviction amongst the students of political ideology. To the layman I would say, try not to become overwhelmed with these arguments, just look inwards for what feels right for you, keep an open mind, discuss your thoughts without fear of looking stupid, because you the individual, are without dispute;

The highest regarded component of this philosophy.

Lets take a look at the Players

  • The Libertarian who says "Anyone who forces me to do things against my will, when I'm not hurting anyone, is attacking my Liberty"

  • The Statist who says "Individuals need to be instructed how to act by the state for their own good & in the interests of efficiency"

  • The Minarchist who says "I whole heartedly agree with the Libertarian, but realize the Statist has a very powerful argument"

This is about as simple as it gets, many would say grossly over simplified, but never the less it's a good starting point.

I also realize that by now we will have lost the majority of our readers, for some reason (probably because they feel they can't change anything) it's just a fact that most people are simply un-interested in this subject.

Whilst many will spend a great deal of effort maximising the amount of money going into their Pockets, they simply have no interest in how this money was magicked into existence or how the majority of this money is covertly majicked out of their pockets by Direct & Indirect Taxation.

For those that are still with me I say "The tide has turned", I believe we are approaching a new era.

Utilizing the new technologies of the Internet we intend to promote a new form of Democracy, Independant of the hidden agendas & self serving interests of our politicians.

A Democracy, where, for the first time, Politicians can be held directly accountable to their electorate, well informed individuals can be heard & the true majority can begin to shape their own world.

This, my friend, is what the UK Minarchist is all about.

The Forums are due to open to discuss the framework for a new way forward.

********************************** Direct Democracy Forum Framework V1.1

The Forum contains three main Sections & Various Sub sections

Political Philosophies

This is a general meeting ground to discuss the format, structure & Mandates of the UK Minarchist Organisation.

The Active Minarchist Members Area (Hidden)

This area is utilized by members who have decided to devote a little more of their time to achieve the Minarchist goals of Direct Democracy. Membership is by invitation only and discussions are kept private as they are of a lawful but sensitive nature.

Central Government (Filtered by Cabinet)

Each UK Government Cabinet/Department is listed here. When a New member registers he/she chooses which of these if any, they are interested in.

Your Local Community

When a new Member registers they are required to enter their own Postcode. When they enter this area the forum is automatically filtered to only show postcode statistics currently available from central government and neighbourhood threads posted within the same Local community Area.

This section would hopefully draw the general public onto the site; members will have access to Leaflets which they can distribute, making leaflet drops in their local area encouraging neighbours to sign up.

Ways to improve Local Community’s

This section will be available to all & contain guidance on how to approach Local Authorities, Community Initiatives that have proven successful etc……..

Central Government Forum Layers

  1. Each Forum section is individually layered (TLF Top-Level, 1LF First Layer, 2LF Second Layer etc..) and only able to accept a certain number of users (currently 150), when that user limit has been reached a new Layer is automatically created and subsequent users are only registered in the next available Layer.

  2. Members can graduate to a higher level if they have reached the required number of Karma Points.

  3. Each Layer has an individual Forum Leader and Deputy Leader; these are chosen by Forum members and act as Moderators & Poll administrators for that particular discussion group Layer.

  4. Anyone can propose a Poll/Resolution about any subject relevant to that discussion group and within bounds of the Minarchist Agenda, Poll Administrators have the final say as to whether to action the Poll.

  5. Polls/Resolutions which have proven particularly successful are automatically presented to a higher level forum for discussion; if the discussions prove successful then that topic/thread is itself initiated as a Poll and potentially presented to a higher level.

  6. When successful Topics have reached the TLF they are ordered into priority by forum members and then presented to the Active Minarchist Political Branch who will then Petition & Lobby the relevant ministers to try and implement the recommendations.

  7. The Presentation of resolutions to Central Government will take advantage of the Governments new legislation that forces Local Government to respond to Local Community’s (what’s good for the goose is good for the gander)

Active Minarchist Member Structure

  1. There is one Executive Leader (Currently the Founder) & his Deputy. They have one single Mandate which is to protect the UK Minarchist Movement

  2. There are a number of Political Branch Members Directed by one Leader and a Deputy. Their Mandate is to progress the recommendations provided by the Top Layer Forum, although they can individually contribute towards discussions at their registered Forum Layer they can not initiate or progress any recommendations which have not arrived via the TLF Layer.

  3. There are a number of Administration & Development Branch Members Directed by one Leader and a Deputy. Their Mandate is to supervise the UK Minarchist Organisation to ensure that actions are not taken that is outside of the Manifesto or Current English Law, They have far reaching powers over the Political Branch. Again Branch Members individually contribute towards topics, Polls & Discussions


No Copyright attatched


Friday 11 September 2009

The Great Euro Con

Bye Bye Britannica 2010

I just find it incredible that many people do not realize that under the Lisbon Treaty to be ratified later this year (if the Irish vote yes) the following will happen

1] Control of the money supply GBP passes from the Bank of England to the Central EU Bank

2] British Law becomes sub-serviant to EU Law

And all of this without a referendum of the British People.

I personally have no dislike of a One World Government, but I think it's simply too soon. However It is the natural direction of man to strive to gain from the efficiencies of harmonization & Strength.

As a house develops into a Village, A Village to Town, City, Shire, Country, Kingdom thus the Kingdoms become Empires thus this becomes a NWO.

In my opinion it would be unwise to attempt rash harmonization of different cultures, possibly to the point of their social extinction without due consideration.

Yet more importantly it would be unwise to enter into a NWO without the consent of Everyone involved i.e. YOU, this would leave too many unhappy.
in order to move into a NWO it would be required that the Voting Public (if Democracy is to be used) have control over the decisions of the Law.

Quite plainly this is not the case today as British Parliamentary Control passes away to an empire that consists of THREE Executive levels -

The President (Tony Blair) -
The Prime Ministers of MOST COUNTRYS -
The European Parliament

Application of the above structure would undoubtedly remove further the voice of the Public & any sense of control over the decisions of the Law.

For this reason alone I SAY NO to the extinction of the remnants of what was the greatest Empire on Earth - The British Empire.

I Say No to Europe - Not Until ...........................well that's a different story

But I do say yes to a NWO, but not quite yet thank you !!!!!!


UK Minarchist

My photo
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

What Type of Player are you?